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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Getting Bigger

Well, as much as I want him to stop growing up, Iain just won't listen to me!  We just had his 15 month check-up...He measured above board in all areas, especially that "little" noodle of his...19.75 inches - that is over the 97th percentile - OFF THE CHARTS!!! 

We have also recently upgraded to the Toddler carseat; this was purchased ages ago, but mommy was holding on tight to infant-dom.  No longer, Iain is now officially in a toddler seat and he loves it!  You can tell by the big smile in the picture below. 

Life continues to be very busy in the MacKay home, we are still working on getting the house market-ready, but hoping to wrap up in the next couple of weeks.  I am so happy the heat has finally broken, I can finally have the windows open and breath in some non-A/C-recycled air - makes the house smell nice too!

That is all for this week! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Iain's first year...abbreviated

So just got a new photoshop program...
so I am practicing with some of the toys =D
Here is a little photo collage of some of the first year of Iain Francis!

I think I am gonna love this new program!!!!

Where to start???

Well, so much has happened since I first posted...I have no idea where to start, so I think I will start with where we are now.  Our little bug is now over a year old (15 months to be exact)...we are mobile!  The energy of our Little Bug is un-containable!  I have been having so much fun being a mommy & wife, sitting down to blog is the last thing I seem to want to do...I am making a promise to myself to be better. 

June 2011 - Cheering on Boppa at the MS Ride
Photo by Mary Lucas Pierce

He is my joy - my heart still aches for him when I am at work/away from him and my heart just about leaps out of my chest when I get to pick him up at the end of my day! 

The MacKay family has lots of adventures coming up...our first family vacation, family photos with Mary P,  getting the townhome ready to sell, working, walking, talking (on the very near horizon I think)...

So, bear with me, more postings to come, the camera is charged up and I am ready to get this blog rockin' & rollin'...

Friday, January 28, 2011


In a moment of inspiration, I decided to embark upon this blogging journey chronicling our family.  I am not the most creative person in the world, but I do believe that I have the most beautiful family and I am proud to share them with you! 
Tim~Katie~Iain (2-weeks old)